Blessing and cursing
Bless - “barak”; curse - “arar”
Blessing - God’s favour;
Cursing - God’s disfavour.
God’s blessing extends to those who seek to be righteous; the wicked are under the curse.
Gen 1:28 - the first human enjoyed God’s favour and were blessed by Him.
The universe was created with ease, merely by speaking the word, and it was orderly.
And everything was good.
The humans are blessed and the seventh day is also blessed (Gen 2:1-3)
The man is moulded by God;
God provides the right environment for the man (Gen 2:8-17);
And a suitable companion (Gen 2:18-25)
This harmony is broken by eating the forbidden fruit (Gen 2:17).
In the garden of Eden there was a close relationship between the man (adam) and the ground (adama). Now, this relationship is broken.
Relationship between humans and nature;
Relationship between men and women;
Relationship between God and humanity.
All were affected by the sin of Adam
1. Cain murdered Abel and is cursed by God (Gen 4:11-12). The ground will not longer yield its crop. He will be a “restless wanderer on the earth”.
2. The work becomes a painful toil (Gen 5:29).
3. God decides to wipe the humankind from the face of the earth (Gen 6:5).
Noah blesses Shem and Japheth but curses Ham’s son Canaan.
Here, Noah’s words carries divine authority.
From here onwards, those within the chosen line are divinely empowered to bless or curse others.
Later on in the NT, we are called to bless, not to curse (1 Peter 3:9; Luke 6:28).
It is here, that the line of Shem gets prominence (Gen 9:26-27).
Abraham comes from the line of Shem and his descendants will take possession of the land occupied by the Canaanites (Gen 15:18-21), cursed by Noah.
1. God’s blessing is closely associated with prosperity (Gen 24:35; 26:12-13).
In case of Jacob (Gen 30:43; 32:3-21), he became rich despite the attempts of his uncle Laban to limit his wealth (Gen 31:6-9).
The same is true of Joseph - from a slave (Gen 39:1-6) and imprisonment (Gen 39:6-23), he ends as the second to Pharaoh (Gen 41:39-43).
3. The power to mediate God’s blessing to others is passed on through the chosen line of patriarchs.
Abraham Gen 12:1-3;
Isaac Gen 26:2-5;
Jacob Gen 28:13-15; 35:11-12; 48:3-4.
Each is blessed by God
Acts 3:25-26 - Jesus is the one through whom God’s blessing will come to others.
Galatians 3:14 - the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Jesus Christ.
Thus, Jesus is the “seed” of Abraham.