1. Deut 1:6-4:40 - survey of the past experience and a call to obey God in the future;
2. Deut 5:1-26:19 - very long, it is seen as the “torah” that “Moses set before the Israelites” (Deut 4:44).
The book should be inscribed on stones coated with plaster (Deut 27:2-8), and after written (Deut 31:24) it should be put beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord (Deut 31:26).
It should also be read to the people every seventh year (Deut 31:9-13).
People love might fail but God’s faithfulness is lasting (Deut 4:37; 5:10; 7:8-9; 10:15).
Because of His love, God did not allow Balaam to curse them (Deut 23:5).
But, although God’s faithfulness is lasting, it does not mean that people will not suffer the consequence of their sins - that is why the list of curses is so long.
So, if you love me, you will obey me.
This obedience is demonstrated is obedience to the torah (Deut 6:6-9; 4:4; 11:18-21; 31:9-13).
1. Fruitfulness and prosperity - versus - disease;
2. Security from their enemies - versus - defeated by their enemies.