The “cloud of witnesses” refers to the Old Covenant saints whom the writer just mentioned (ch. 11).
The description of them as a “cloud” is an interesting one since they are presently without resurrected bodies. They await the resurrection of their bodies at the Second Coming (Dan. 12:2). The writer’s point was that we have many good examples of people who faithfully trusted God in the past.
In view of this encouragement we should lay aside everything that impedes our running the Christian race successfully (cf. 1 Cor. 9:24; 2 Tim. 4:7–8).
“Encumbrances” are weights that may not be sins but nevertheless make perseverance difficult.
“Some one is recorded to have asked whether a certain thing would do a person harm, and the reply was given, ‘No harm, if you do not wish to win.’“[414]
We should also lay aside sin. “The sin” that the writer warned his readers against especially in Hebrews is unbelief, apostasy. In view of the immediately preceding context, it might refer to discouragement. However many different kinds of sin can trip us up, and we should avoid all sin for this reason.[415]
“This might have reference to the love of wealth, attachment to the world, preoccupation with earthly interests, or self-importance.”[416], p. 409.
The reason for this self-discipline is so we can keep on running the Christian race effectively. Here the writer returned to the thought of 10:28: “You have need of endurance.” He conceived of the Christian life as an endurance race, a marathon, not a 50-yard dash.
“… the real test of life is the steady, normal progress of the soul—’not paroxysms of effort but steady endurance.’“[417]
As a runner keeps looking toward his or her goal, so we should keep looking to Jesus, not primarily to the other witnesses (v. 1). When we take our eyes of faith off Jesus, we begin to sink, like Peter did (Matt. 14:22–33). Jesus should be our primary model when it comes to persevering. The writer used the simple personal name “Jesus” to accent our Lord’s humanity, especially His endurance of pain, humiliation, and the disgrace of the cross.
He is our “author” (lit. file leader, captain, pioneer; 2:10). It was by looking to Him in faith that we were saved. Jesus set the example of living by faith for us, the evidence of His faith being his prayers. Jesus perfected faith in the sense that He finished His course of living by faith successfully (cf. 2:13).
“As the ‘perfecter of faith’ Jesus is the one in whom faith has reached its perfection.”[419]
“He alone is the source of hope and help in their time of need. Looking to Him in faith and devotion is the central theological and practical message of Hebrews.”[420]
The joy of the prospect of His reward, namely, His victory over death, glorification, inheritance, and reign motivated Him, too (1:9, 13–14; 8:1; 10:12).
The writer put his readers’ sufferings in perspective so they might not overestimate the difficulty they faced in remaining faithful to God.
The readers had not yet resisted sin to the extent that their enemies were torturing or killing them for their faith, as had been Jesus’ experience. Evidently there had been no martyrs among the readers yet, though the writer and the readers undoubtedly knew of Christians elsewhere who had died for their faith (e.g., Stephen, James, et al.). Their striving against sin probably refers to both resisting sinful opponents and resisting temptations to sin in their own lives (v. 1).
We need to remember, too, that God allows us to experience some opposition to make us stronger in the faith (Deut. 8:5; Prov. 3:11–12; James 1). Verses 5–11 constitute an exposition of Proverbs 3:11–12. Another value of divine discipline is that it prepares us to reign with Christ (cf. 2:10). God’s discipline assures us that we are His sons. All believers are “partakers” (cf. 1:9; 3:1, 14; 6:4) of discipline. The “illegitimate children” in view seem to be genuine children of God but not approved sons. See Romans 8:14–17 for the contrast between children and sons.
Ishmael is an Old Testament example of an illegitimate child. He was the true child of Abraham. Yet because he was illegitimate (i.e., the son of Hagar rather than Sarah, Abraham’s wife) he did not receive the inheritance that Isaac, the legitimate child, did (cf. Gen. 17:19–21; 21:12–14).
“In the Roman world, an ‘illegitimate child’ had no inheritance rights.”[425]
As Christians we need to submit to God’s discipline in our lives because it will result in fullness of life and greater holiness and righteousness along with peace.
“… there may be an implied contrast between temporary human punishment and the permanent reward which is given to those who submit to divine discipline.”[430]
God always designs discipline for our welfare even though it may not be pleasant to endure.
“God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”[431]
The title “Father of spirits” (v. 9) occurs only here in the New Testament (cf. Num. 16:22; 27:16). It probably means something like “our spiritual Father,” as some English versions translate it (TEV, NEB, JB), in contrast to our physical (earthly) fathers.
This is one of the great sections in the New Testament that clarifies the reason for the Christian’s trials (cf. James 1; 1 Peter). It is essential that we view our sufferings as the Lord’s discipline rather than as an indication of His displeasure, or worse, His hatred (cf. Deut. 1:26–27) if we would persevere faithfully. There is a real as well as a linguistic connection between “discipline” and “disciple” and “discipleship.”
The need for greater strength 12:12–13
The writer next urged his readers to take specific action that would enhance their continuance in the faith.
This word of exhortation, as well as the others, reveals that the original readers were spiritually weak. Consequently, the writer urged them to build up their strength so they could work effectively and walk without stumbling (cf. Prov. 4:25–27). The Greek word ektrepo, translated “be put out of joint” (v. 13), has the technical medical sense of a foot turning so as to become dislocated.[432] This power comes as we draw upon our resources for strength, namely, the Word of God and the ministry of our great High Priest (4:12–16).
The readers also needed to level the path of discipleship they trod by removing impediments to their progress. Then the lame among them (i.e., the very weak) might recover as they proceeded to walk. The writer probably intended this exhortation to include laying aside sin (v. 1) and compromising associations with apostates who might throw unneeded barriers such as false teaching in the Christians’ path.
This encouragement completes the thought of verses 1–13. The writer began with an exhortation, expounded the value of discipline, and ended with another exhortation.